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Annual Membership
Become a LAGS Member
The fastest way to become a member is to fill this form and pay online. You will be immediately elligible to participate in the ongoing or upcoming exhibition.
If you'd prefer to print out a paper copy,
you can download one HERE. You may also fill out a paper application and mail/deliver it to the gallery.​
Please bring in a one-page bio/artist statement or cv for our Artist Information binder. This will help customers and other members get to know you better.​​
New members will be sent a FAQ sheet (also available HERE) that outlines the upcoming exhibition calendar, intake/outtake days and other tidbits you'll need to know. Artists of all experience levels are welcome to participate.​​
Any questions not answered here?
Reach us by email at
Once you have submitted the membership form, you may use these buttons for secure online payment. You may also pay in person at the gallery, or send an e-transfer to
Our annual membership fee
is for the calendar year,
January to December.
If you join or renew after
October 1st, it applies
to the following year.