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Upcoming Exhibitions
2025 Show Schedule
All exhibitions in 2024 open on the First Friday of each month, Apr-Oct. Intake/Outtake day is always the Sunday & Monday before the opening.
March 1 - 22: "DRAW, PAINT, ART!"
Annual show of art by local middle & high school students Grades 6 - 9
APRIL 4 - 26 : "Fresh & Flirty"
Your brightest and sassiest
Intake: March 30 & 31 from 1-4pm
MAY 2 - 31 "Birds of a Feather"
Flock together!
Intake: April 27 & 28 from 1-4pm
JUNE 6 - 28 "All Together Now"
A Celebration of Pride and Inclusivity
Intake: June 1 & 2 from 1-4pm
JULY 4 - 26 "She's Called Nova Scotia"
An Ode to this place we call Home
Intake: June 29 & 30 from 1-4pm
AUGUST 1 - 30 "Be Kind, Rewind"
Previously Exhibited Work that Deserves a Second Chance
Intake: July 27 & 28 from 1-4pm
SEPTEMBER 5 - 27 "Off The Wall"
Everything under $200! All artists are allowed to bring 2 pieces.
Intake: Aug. 31 & Sept. 1 from 1-4pm
OCTOBER 3 - 25
"Thanks For The Season"
Ending the year with gratitude & warmth. Intake: September 28 & 29 from 1-4pm

2025 Membership
Renew Now
Returning artists should fill out a membership form so our records are up-to-date. There is a new, easy to fill online form HERE.
Our annual membership fee applies for one calendar year, January - December. If you join or renew after October 1st, it's good for the following year.
Please send all payments
via e-transfer to:
You may also fill out a paper application and pay at the gallery.
We recommend all members sign up for monthly reminders HERE
You may bring in a one-page bio/artist statement or cv for our Artist Information binder. This will help customers and other members get to know you better.
Coming soon: a FAQ that outlines the upcoming exhibition calendar.
If you are interested in selling prints, photos, watercolours or other unframed work in our print rack, please contact
Any questions not answered here?
Reach us by email at

Become a Volunteer
Help us get better!
To volunteer as a gallery attendant in 2023, sign up directly HERE. Sitting the gallery is a fantastic way to meet other members, artists, local visitors and see what's new on the walls. Learning the ropes is easy and you don't have to do it alone.
* * *
Membership has many Benefits!
Shop for art supplies & show your
LAGS Membership card for discounts:​
1546 Barrington Street, Halifax
10% off art supplies
136 Logan Road, Bridgewater
15% off art supplies
203 Lincoln St, Lunenburg
10% off art supplies
205 Lincoln St, Lunenburg
15% off art supplies
Mahone Bay, NS
15% off everything in store
10% off individual, student, senior,
or household VANS membership.