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Step #2: (optional)
If you have a good-quality image of your piece (especially if it's under glass), you can upload it here. Images of artwork may be added to our website, point of sale and social media posts. Images should be in focus, colour-accurate and at least 650 pixels on the shortest side. It's up to you if your artwork is cropped or incorporated in a background setting.
Please include your name and artwork title in the name of the file
(i.e. TREES_JohnDoe.jpg).
1. Click the orange "Choose an image" button to locate your artwork on your phone or computer.
2. Ignore the prompt to "Crop and add this image".
3. Click the DONE button.
4. When you get to the part that looks like this:
... we have successfully received your image!
There won't be a confirmation message, but
if you see "Remove" then you can 100% trust we have it :)
If you're having trouble following these steps, you may also email your image to:

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