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2023 Lunenburg Arts Fest
Thank-you for registering for LAF - NOTE DELAYED BY WEATHER - JULY 29th & 30th
Lunenburg Arts Fest 2023 is fast approaching and we are looking forward to seeing you there! We hope this email will answer some of your questions and help you prepare for this magnificent event.
Please read the entire message carefully – there are a few changes from previous years.
This year we are once again fortunate to host our LAF event at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic Wharf, 68 Bluenose Drive, Lunenburg NS. This exciting venue will be sure to set the stage for a vibrant and accessible event to both visitors and artists. A large tent will accommodate our sales and studio art for sale. There will be a few additional pop-up tents also located on the wharf that will be used by stationary, non-plein air artists/artisans for demonstrations and sales (weather permitting).
Studio Art Work - This year we are inviting artists to bring 2 small finished pieces (total space per artist - 24” x 48” - the smaller the better). Pre-register your Studio Art - Artists are asked bring ready to hang studio pieces with wires and hooks, and register your pieces here: on/by August 1st.
On Site Registration - All artists are required to register at the LAF tent Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic Wharf, even if not bringing studio art. You will receive a map, name tag and additional instructions if required. Studio art will be received from 9-10am and painting can start anytime after you are registered.
Daily Check in - All artists are required to check in at LAF Tent Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic Wharf on Saturday July 22 and Sunday July 23, after 9am before heading out to paint.
ALL ART SALES (including plein air, non-plein air and studio) - will be transacted by the Lunenburg Art Gallery Society from the LAF tent. Artists will receive 60% of the sale price for their work. The remaining 40% will go to support the Lunenburg Art Gallery Society. We charge HST - if you have a number, please provide it at registration. If your work sells, you will be sent a cheque after the event concludes, by mid-August. Make sure we have your correct mailing address!
Painting on Site - LAF is a rain-or-shine event. It will only be cancelled or interrupted for an imminent named tropical storm or hurricane or wind that exceeds the museums' maximum allowance.
As artists finish their paintings they will complete a label and call the number provided on the back of their name tag, (labels and tags to be provided at registration) and a runner will come pick up their work and return it to the LAF Tent for sale.
The town of Lunenburg is a mixture of private and public land. If you wish to paint on a resident’s property please ensure you ask permission. There are plenty of wonderful painting spots that are publicly accessible. A map will be provided at registration.
Disposal - please ensure any waste is properly discarded into designated waste bins around town or at the LAF tent. Please ensure your art water and solvents are not disposed of on site where you paint. It would be best to bring extra containers if needed for your extra waste.
What to Bring - Lunenburg is a beautiful sizzling hot town during summer as we experienced at our last event in 2019 during a heat wave. You may find some treed shelter in some areas for example on the Harbour Path, but best to be prepared by bringing an umbrella for sun or rain. Other items to include in your kit are extra clothing, including rain-gear, hat, sunscreen, and of course your painting kit and surfaces. It is recommended that you bring your own refillable drinking water containers.
Parking - Artists can find parking around the Town of Lunenburg at designated street and metered spots at various costs. Ample free parking is available at the Lunenburg Community Centre. Metered parking is available along Bluenose Drive and along streets lining the Lunenburg waterfront. There is free parking everywhere starting above Lincoln Street. A detailed map of available parking is provided by the town here: (
Washrooms - There are washrooms beside the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic as well as at the Bluenose Public Washroom Facility at 39 Bluenose Drive near the waterfront.
Artist Check-out is 5pm July 23, 2023 - We ask that you plan to remain until check-out time on Sunday. Buyers will show up just before closing and we advertise to the public that we will be operational until 5 pm. After 5pm, you can pick up your unsold artwork.
COVID PRECAUTIONS - While restrictions are reduced this summer we will be adhering to all NS Public Health Protocols. We are asking the public to give artists space while they paint, and also to observe social distancing in the buildings. Our occupancy numbers and foot traffic on the wharf will be monitored as well.
For questions, please contact
Lunenburg Arts Fest
c/o Lunenburg Art Gallery Society
194B Lincoln Street
Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0
(902) 640- 4044